Avoid Aeon-Pool.com If You Love Aeon
Written by CC Freak on November 17, 2017
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Aeon-Pool.com has flirted with and even achieved at times more than 50 percent of the total Aeon network hash rate. This is bad because of the 51% Attack. You can read up on it in the previous link on why this could lead to a compromised Aeon network.
Aeon-Pool.com does not seem to care about reducing the amount of total network hash rate they control. When they get close to the 50% threshold they make a half ass gesture of raising the pool fee from 1% to 2%.
So if you are reading this blog because you are interested in mining aeon then please research other pools before starting. I personally mine on https://aeon.hashvault.pro though the Aeon Reddit community always has people posting their pools.
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