
I was bored today and decided to try out the Compute Optimized c5.18xlarge EC2 Instance. Its not cheap, coming in at around $36 a day or so to run it. It is a monster though, with 72 cores total. Total hashrate over 15 minutes was…

5 Steps To Convert Aeon To USD

Written by CC Freak on November 21, 2017

So you have been mining Aeon and you want to now turn that into profits? It will require a few steps but nothing that will take more than 1 hour of setup time. Once it is setup then it will take very few steps in…

Avoid If You Love Aeon

Written by CC Freak on November 17, 2017 has flirted with and even achieved at times more than 50 percent of the total Aeon network hash rate. This is bad because of the 51% Attack. You can read up on it in the previous link on why this could lead to a…

Aeon Mining with Aeon-Stak-CPU on Windows 10

Written by CC Freak on November 16, 2017

Mining Aeon on Windows 10 is as easy as downloading a zip file, extracting it and then editing one configuration file.

Aeond and Simple Wallet Compile On Centos 7

Written by CC Freak on October 25, 2017

This guide will show you how to compile Aeond and Simple Wallet on Centos 7. First lets make sure we have all the required packages:

Aeon-stak-cpu allows you to mine Aeon via your CPU. This article will show you how to setup aeon-stak-cpu on Ubuntu 16.04.

Aeon Mining with aeon-stak-cpu on Centos 7

Written by CC Freak on October 20, 2017

Aeon-stak-cpu allows you to mine Aeon via your CPU. This article will show you how to setup aeon-stak-cpu on Centos 7.

Mining Aeon on your Windows 10 computer using your GPU is easy with CCMiner 2.2.2. 

Recently I have been interested in Aeon so I have started to throw some hashing power behind it to accumulate coins. This guide will use aeon-stak-amd with prebuilt Windows binaries from this thread on Bitcoin Talk. I have also uploaded the binaries to my site in…